3KnD were at the Elders Lunch at the Aborigines Advancement League Broadcasting Live. What a great day it was with community elders coming together and celebrating NAIDOC 2022.
There were quite a few people that joined us live on air for a yarn, they included; Aunty Esme Bamblett
Mr NAIDOC - Yumurrki Egan
Miss NAIDOC- Naomi Kennedy-Bamblett
Stuart Morris - Acting Inspector Eltham Police station
Con matsamakis - Acting Senior Sergeant- Heidelberg Police station
Owen Butler - Multicultural Liason Officer- Fire and Rescue Victoria.
There were many others in attendance today Aunty Di Kerr, Jill Gallagher, NAIDOC Caring for Country Award winner Stevie-Lee Ryan, NAIDOC Patron Uncle Henry Atkinson. The elders from ACES, Elders from The Kookaburra Club in Preston, uncle John Brown.
The Stray Blacks also performed
Once again it was great yarning with all the elders the day was full of laughter and love.