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3KND Join The Big Mob Brekky Show on NITV

Big Mob Brekky (NITV) has returned for the second year to bring the best First Nations yarns, plenty of black secrets for anyone wanting to learn more about First Nations culture and all complemented, of course, by some proper lovely feeds for everyone tuning in. 3KND were again guests on the show with camera mob arriving early for the live to air cross from our studios in Bundoora. Hayley McAdam representing with Gman supporting. Indigenous media engaging communities.

Everyone looked forward to waking up to a cuppa with some of their favourite NITV faces for NAIDOC Week, and with hosts like Shahni Wellington and Ryan Liddle it was hard to believe the cast could get any more loveable…

Then… NITV dropped the bomb nobody was expecting.

A third host! He loves photography, he dislikes chocolate, his first job was a bank teller - and he has also been recently announced as the weekend lunch presenter on Triple J.

His name is Tyrone Pynor.

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