Change the Record had a community election yarn with the candidates for Cooper, at the Aborigines Advancement League last night. Ged Kearney, David Risstrom were amongst those that attended.

Change the Record is an Aboriginal-led Coalition that works to end the over-incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the disproportionate rates of violence that our women and children experience.
The community election yarning event was for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people of colour to have their voices heard by the Federal candidates for Cooper.
We heard about how justice, housing, social security and poverty are affecting our communities, and the change we want to see... Soeajers spoke from: - Tanya Day's family - Free Our Sisters Free Our Kids campaign - VALS - Djirra - Colour Code - Young for Economic Justice and many others.

Government needs to stop criminalising people living in poverty, support self-determination and provide proper supports so we can end mass incarceration and #FreeOurFuture.