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Djirra's CEO Antoinette Braybrook on supporting 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

Preventing and addressing family violence is at the core of Djirra’s work. All their programs are designed to support Aboriginal women’s journey to safety and wellbeing. Their community education and early intervention and prevention programs (Sisters Day Out®, Young Luv® and Dilly Bag) focus on family violence prevention by: • drawing on cultural strength to increase resilience • reducing social isolation and vulnerability to family violence • promoting healthy relationships • creating awareness about the ‘power and control’ dynamics of family violence and family violence red flags.

Djirra stands firm with Aboriginal women against family violence and deliver campaigns to make sure Aboriginal women’s voices are heard, victim blaming can be stopped and perpetrators can be held accountable

This year’s theme for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” Like in previous years, this year's International Day will mark the launch of 16 days of activism that will conclude on 10 December 2020, which is International Human Rights Day. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence kicks off from November 25 to December 10. The ‘2020 WALK AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE’ event is the first of many events hosted during the week of the 16 Days of Activism campaign. It will be a little different this year, but the purpose remains the same. Let's raise awareness with a “walk from home” event. At some point throughout the day, walk around the block, go for a walk with a friend or participate in a planned local event in your area – it’s up to you. Djirra spread the word this year by holding virtual walks. They encouraged everyone to wear something orange on their walk, registering their participation with Safesteps and sharing their selfies on social media.

The hashtags used for this years walk was #WAFV2020 and #WhyWeWalk

In this podcast the CEO of Djirra, Antoinette Braybrook yarns with Standing Strong Togethers specialist Journalist Natasha Ferre. They talk about the incredible work the frontline workers Djirra have and team at Koorie Womens Place have been able to keep up the work supporting women during covid 19 pandemic. They also discuss the importance of supporting the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and what Djirra are doing to show their support.

If you would like further information or support you can contact


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