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Gubbi Gubbi Woman Jo Thitchener Yarns about Healing for Our People

Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that provides a platform to amplify the voices and lived experience of Stolen Generations survivors and their families. Working with communities to create a place of safety, providing an environment for Stolen Generations survivors and their families to speak for themselves, tell their own stories, and be in charge of their own healing. They promote trauma-aware, healing-informed practice to help government, policymakers, and workforces understand their role in intergenerational healing.

By addressing unresolved trauma in First Nations communities – trauma that was caused by colonisation and actions like the forced removal of children. Walking alongside communities on the path to healing. Governed by a First Nations Board and Executive and guided in our work by our Stolen Generations and Youth Reference Groups. Their work honours our First Nations ancestors to ensure our future generations continue to thrive for the next 60,000 years. Joining Hayley for the program to speak more about the healing foundation and the importance of healing for our people is Gubbi Gubbi woman Jo Thitchener.


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