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Healing culture, protecting country and Treaty with Yaraan Bundle.

Keeray Woorroong Gunditjmara Yuin cultural educator Yaraan Bundle talks culture, country, healing and Treaty as she explains why land must be being given back for ceremony and medicine.

Yaraan says the revival of ceremony and land for medicines is the way forward to healing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s spirits here in Victoria.

Her role as a Mother of three keeps her busy alongside the responsibility of fighting to protect the sacred sites of the Hopkins River and Djap Wurrung Birthing Trees.

Her story explains how both of these sacred sites are connected along the waterways to the ancient songlines of her people.

my name means White gumtree yoway. And yeah I reckon that caption would go good

Yaraan says Treaty is a long overdue process and she asks how can Aboriginal organisations, corporations and government departments destroy her people’s cultural heritage and spirituality and still want to talk Treaty?

The recent decision by the Federal Minister for the Environment Susan Ley to reject the Djap Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy's application to register the Birthing Trees under cultural Heritage protection has left members of the Djap Wurrung community and extended Gunditjmara family members questioning the process of a Treaty in Victoria during a time where they feel government departments should be listening.

Yaraan Bundle has been very generous in sharing her cultural knowledge for Balit Dhumba. Her hope is that that more people will work together and unite to protect country.

If you would like to learn more about the Hopkins River quarry proposal campaign check out Hopkins River Stop the Quarry on Facebook.

Photo: Nick Johnson, Hopkins River on Gunditjmara country-South West Victoria.

Painting of the Hopkins River by Gunditjmara Artist Bronwyn Razeem.

If you would like to support the Djap Wurrung Cultural Heritage Embassy check out their Facebook page.


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