FIRST PEOPLES DISABILITY NETWORK AUSTRALIA or (FPDN)is a National Human Rights organisation for Australia's First People with disability, their families and communities.
The organisation is governed by First Peoples with lived experience of disability and won the Improving Advocacy and Rights Promotion Award at the 2014 National Disability Awards.
First Peoples Disability Network Australia have a vision of a just and inclusive society, in which the First Peoples with disability of the Australian nation are respected and valued for their culture, history and contribution to contemporary life, and in which the human rights of First Peoples with disability are recognised, respected, protected and fulfilled.
Damian Griffis. CEO is a Worimi man and a leading advocate for the human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability. Damian has been a central figure in the establishment of both the Aboriginal Disability Network NSW and FPDN.
Damian yarns with specialist Journalist Natasha Ferre about the amazing work that FPDN are doing with mob and about The Disability Royal Commission that seeks information to prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of First Nations people with disability.