Ian Hamm a Yorta Yorta man with a passion to make a difference for Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. He is involved with many organisations that strive for a better way of life for all. Highlighting closing the gap between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples through education and truth telling. Ian spoke on 3KND Big Brekkie about his work with the Healing Foundation who have relaunched a Stolen Generations Resource Kit for teachers that include stories, music, poetry, dance, art and writing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The kit is designed to make it easy for schools to start the conversation around truth telling and inform discussions about the impact of colonisation and the history of Australia using facts, real examples and stories. Launched last year, over 13,000 people have downloaded the kit so far. This year we are including book bundle packs + $500 for schools to run activities during Reconciliation Week & NAIDOC Week across the country to embed. For more information go to www.healingfoundation.org.au/schools