Treaty Day Out has become one of Australia’s most important music festivals, not only spotlighting and celebrating First Nations talent on a major scale, but also delivering a mighty push to the campaign for Treaty in Victoria.

Festivals were held in Shepparton, Naarm (Melbourne) and Bendigo and this was the first to be held on Wadawurrung Country, at the Ballarat City Oval. The Sun shone…tents appeared….the stage was ready…the smell of coffee and food stalls flowed through the air and so the stage was set for an amazing day of Music, Stories, Entertainment and Education for TREATY was front and Centre. From the first act Madi Colville-Walker through to Jessica Mauboy the crowd grew to between 3-4,000 who stayed till the very end, and no one was disappointed.

For those coming in totally blind: a treaty is, at its very core, a negotiated agreement between two parties. For Indigenous Australians, this would mean having the government acknowledge the sovereignty of this land’s First Nations, and work directly with Aboriginal communities to help improve the lives of their peoples. Treaty would allow them an independence from the Colonial binds that hold them back even today; as explained by the Victorian government’s own First Peoples State Relations crew, Treaty would serve as “the embodiment of Aboriginal self-determination”.

They expound on the sentiment: “Treaty is an opportunity to reframe how all Victorians view ourselves, our culture, and our State. Victoria’s Treaties will be shaped by the social and political context of our state, and the aspirations of Victoria’s First Peoples.

Treaty will be based on an honest reflection of our history – one that asks for respect and courage, to listen and respond to the voices of those who have cared for this Country for thousands of years. Treaty will deliver long-term, sustainable solutions because First Peoples will be in the driver’s seat, making decisions about the matters that impact their lives.”

This is not a new endeavour for the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, who have been calling on the state government to negotiate a Treaty since its formation in 2019 – but the launch of Treaty Day Out offered them a powerful new avenue to spread their message. After all, music is perhaps the only existing medium for communication that truly transcends language, class, culture, and all other manner of socio-political boundaries.

It was a day of amazing performances at such a significant event. The artist on stage included.. Canisha, Jada Weazel, Madi Colville-Walker, Brolga, Blackfire, Scott Darlow, 3%, Mo'ju, Electric Fields and headlining the day Jessica Mauboy with MC Isaac Compton bringing it all together. 3KND in partnership with Treaty Day Out broadcast the concert live across the network to many who were unable to travel. We thank the Wadawurrung people for allowing us on there country, for Aboriginal land was NEVER Ceded. 3KND connecting you to country.

This broadcast was dedicated to a former staff member of 3KND Gary Hansen. Condolences to Grant and family on his passing.
