INDIGINERD is our platform promoting the pure deadliness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creativity, giving a space to Indigenous creativity doing amazing stuff in the pop culture world and showing the artistry of Indigenous minds, and how these inspire an innovative environment. Kimmie Lovegrove returns to KoolNDeadly to yarn up abourt what it all means and about the launch tonight.
The INDIGINERD brand and events are open to absolutely everybody within our community! We welcome our non-Indigenous allies to show their support to Indigenous creativity by wearing our logo proudly.

The INDIGINERD logo stands up as a symbol for inclusivity, love and respect, acknowledging our diverse community by choosing to put safe spaces first for our community of passions. In providing a safe space for Indigenous creativity, we provide a platform for diverse thinking, perspectives informed by thousands of years and a cross over of culture and creativity.
Indiginerd presents an exclusive D&D one-shot, as hosted by Indigitek. Watch as the all-Indigenous team battles dragons, defeat orks and pay off small business loans!

Come and join the Chicken Salt Baes for some laughs and a few surprises! To find out more information about Indigitek and their work as a not-for-profit. If you are walking head to the intersection of Swanston Street and Lonsdale Street. Walk in the direction of the main over-head walkway, as you head in that direction you will see Caledonian Lane located to the left of the Emporium shopping centre entrance. By Train: Catch any city circle train to the Melbourne Central train station, walk two blocks towards Lonsdale Street. By Tram: Catch a tram towards Swanston Street, hopping off at the Bourke St Mall/Swanston st stop.
Join us in the Alienware Arena as Indiginerd officially launches some new geeky merch and celebrates alongside some other Deadly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mob doing some amazing stuff in our community, for our community!. Kicking off at 6PM with a Welcome to Country, stick around as we celebrate Indiginerd and the amazing contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made in creativity and storytelling Be sure to grab yourself one of the Gamers snacks at the bar, a drink and check out some of the games on offer at our computers pod. Oh… and don’t forget to purchase our exclusive IndigiGamers beanie at the merch desk! Or check out our Pop-up stores and buy some deadly merch from other Aboriginal owned businesses
Please note: This event is for all ages entry between 6:00-8:00 PM *18+ only after 8:00 PM Minors under 18 will require an accompanying adult. Both of these persons will require a ticket each. https://indiginerd.com.au/events/indiginerd-nite/