Long before Council lines were drawn, the land which we now know as the City of Darebin was cared for by the Wurundjeri Willam people of the Kulin Nation. The newly elected councillors of Darebin council were blessed with a smoking ceremony by Aunty Di Kerr. Aunty Diane Kerr is a respected Elder of the Wurundjeri Tribe, and a Mother, Grandmother and Aunty to many. Aunty Di identifies with the Ganun Willam Balak clan of the Wurundjeri.
CEO Sue Wilkinson said it was important that we start the new term of our elected councillors with a smoking ceremony thus blessing us in in Bunjil’s light. Councillors are your local elected representatives, they advocate on behalf of residents and work to assist them. Councillors are responsible for managing the City's assets, provide a wide range of services and facilities and ensure finances are allocated in the best interests of the whole community.
Darebin City Council recognises, pays respect to and celebrates the long-standing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage within our community. Council is committed to building strong partnerships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, and contributing to the journey towards reconciliation.
Councillors attending the ceremony were.. Cr Lina Messina (Mayor) - Central Ward, Cr Gaetano Greco (Deputy Mayor) - North West Ward, Cr Julie Williams - North Central Ward, Cr Tim Laurence - North East Ward, Cr Susanne Newton - West Ward, Cr Susan Rennie - South Central Ward, Cr Trent McCarthy - South West Ward, Emily Dimitriadis – South East Ward, Tom Hannan – South Ward with CEO Sue Wilkinson.