Two of Australia’s most iconic singers, Grace Knight and Wendy Matthews, have joined forces for a run of special Victorian shows this March exploring the music of revered songwriter Paul Simon. Grace Knight spoke on Big Brekkie about her career, family and friendships.

Grace Knight says the collaboration has been a long-time coming. “Finally, after years of saying, ‘we should’, Wendy and I are standing side-by-side on stage singing together, and we’re absolutely loving it,” she says. “The Paul Simon songbook was a no brainer. He’s one of the most prolific songwriters in history. His lyrics tell fantastic stories that have inspired musicians, singers and fans for decades. We are touring with an awesome band and the show is great fun and really energetic. From the first to the last song, the audience is right there with us, singing along loudly, hit after hit! The world seems a happier place after this show.”
Thursday 26th March 2020 Memo Music Hall, ST KILDA VIC Friday 27th March 2020 Shoppingtown Hotel, DONCASTER VIC Saturday 28th March 2020 Village Green Hotel, MULGRAVE VIC Sunday 29th March 2020 [matinee] Caravan Music Club, EAST BENTLEIGH VIC For more information please visit and