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Sovereign Mandate-Treaty of Humanity.

Produced by Kirstyn Rae Lindsay.

The Sovereign Mandate 2017 is a call for people to come together and work towards a Commonwealth Treaty of Humanity. The mandate was written by Pelican Mother Jungur Nabang, Nyangbul from northern NSW, and Jingki, Ngumbarl from the Kimberley Region of WA.

In the video Jingki sets out the Sovereign Mandate and a call for Treaties amongst ourselves as she explains the issues and legislation around the continent of Australia being deemed as Terra Nullius under an illegal occupation from the Commonwealth. The Mandate was recorded at the Gugamai Nyangbul Sovereign Free State in 2017.

Here is a podcast feature from Balit Dhumba Strong Talk unpacking the Sovereign Mandate and call for a Commonwealth Treaty of Humanity.

Leading up to this recording Elder's Susan Charles, Sandra Onus and Jingki set out with supporters from Melbourne on the Seven Sisters Ceremonial Walk to Freedom to Canberra to serve notice on the Australian Government.

From here the women collected documents with information showing how the Australian Government was established under the Commonwealth and British Rule and their relationship with other continents on peacekeeping negotiations during the First World War.

Australia joined the League of Nations after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles to end WW1 at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Here is the link to the Parliament of Australia article. Australia in the League of Nations: a centenary view.

It was at this time the Australian Government had also occupied New Guinea and Nauru and were then under investigation due to their dealings and treatment of the First Nations people who were deemed as not being an organised civilisation with no currency or trade history.

Due to Australia's position in the Commonwealth and the title as a sovereign nation on lands considered Terra Nullius, the war on our soil here was not investigated under any of the peace covenants and war crimes acts set under international law and the League of Nations which later became the United Nations.

In this current interview Jingki sets out the background to their findings and how the birth of the Australian government was the first opportunity for Treaty here on country.

Jingki says it’s now a time for celebration now that we know the truth and she would like us to come together and make Treaties between ourselves.

Her like many other elders and visionaries in our communities know that it is not time for war and a time to sit together and heal.

Jinkgi makes referece to the Purple Thumb Community where you and your family can become an Embassy and start making Treaties in your community on country and across the seas. Here's the link.

In the Sovereign Mandate video Jungur Nabang Pelican Mother reads a courtesy notice issued to the Prime Minister of the time Malcom Turnbull. Pelican Mother refers to the acts and covenants as an example of the war crimes perpetrated onto First nations People here on country.

They did not receive a response from Prime Minister Turnbull at the time and both women still stand strong in their call for Treaty and for the people of the Commonwealth to walk together and bring solutions to the table.

In this current interview for Balit Dhumba Jungur Nabang Pelican Mother talks more on her call for peace and Treaty as she shares her family cultural history and her peoples struggle for country.

Pelican Mother explains the challenges with the division between clans and nations due to Native Title legislation and how people's fear of coming together and having the hard conversations is stopping communities of living peacefully together. She says forgiveness is part of culture.

13 Grandmothers Star Skin Lore/Sisters Dreaming. Jungur Nabang, Aunty Nelly Patterson and Jingki.

Gugamai Nyangbul Sovereign Free State.


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