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Stolen Generations Uncle Stuarts story of survival and reconnection

Uncle Stuart McFarlane is a very proud Warumungu man with strong connections to the Wurundjeri land on which he lives. He is also a member of the Stolen Generation.

Growing up in Victoria, Uncle Stuart knew very little about his Aboriginal mother and his connection to his people and culture. He did know that he was 'part Aboriginal' which was how it was described to him about his heritage but with being a part of the Stolen Generation all connection was lost and Uncle Stuart spent most of his younger life not knowing who he truly was and this caused him an enormous amount of pain and anguish. A lot that he did not identify with as intergenerational trauma and just trauma from being removed. It was after a lead from a conversation with Ernie Dingo at a theatre company one night that Uncle Stuart was told of a path way back to his roots. Link- Up was an organisation that were helping mob reconnect with stolen families. He was in his 30's when he made his way back to find his natural mother and discovered that she was also a member of the Stolen Generation.

In this podcast you will hear Uncle Stuarts intimate story about his personal journey of courage and hope. He yarns with Standing Strong Together host Natasha Ferre about his story. Uncle Stuart works as the Aboriginal Contact Officer at Darebin City Council and is strong voice for his people.


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