When 3CR gained its licence in 1976 it was considered Australia’s first community-owned and community-run grassroots radio station. Now in its forties, the station is well-known as a political and social justice broadcaster. Pilar Aguilera is the Chairwoman of 3CR... born in Chile and volunteering at 3CR since she was 17 years old. Pilar yarns with Gman about her journey and the importance of community radio. She then returned as a volunteer in the late 1990s, programming on Thursday Breakfast and Mujeres Latinoamericanas.
Pilar was the Ethnic Resource worker in 2000 and has since been a trainer and volunteer. Pilar programs and presents on Radio Capucha a spanish language feminist program, and has been a member of the Committee of Management since 2018. She is currently 3CR's Chairperson. 3CR prioritise the voices of women, First Nations people, workers, refugees, and the many issues and people misrepresented and under-represented in the mass media.
They are governed by our community of volunteers and listeners. Our peak decision making body, the Community Radio Federation (CRF), is made up of representatives of affiliate members, station workers and subscribers. 3CR holds a deeply informed and radical philosophy of what radio and community media can be. Shaped and guided by the volunteers and communities who pass through the station everyday, 3CR remains a vital organisation within the community media landscape.