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Uncle Bobby Nicholls Talks about 'Yalinguth' the New Educational App

Bobby Nicholls is a proud Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung, and Wadjabalok man and the nephew of Sir Douglas Nicholls. Uncle Bobby talks on 3KND about a new educational App called “Yalinguth” a Woi-wurrung word meaning ‘yesterday’,

YALINGUTH is the name given recently to this exciting App being developed, that will connect people to the Aboriginal history of places through stories and soundscapes.

Due to launch next year, YALINGUTH will be a mobile App that is an audio augmented reality experience. You’ll be able to go to a place such as Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, and through your headphones and the App, will be able to enter a 3D sound world where as you walk along, you’ll hear many stories told by Aboriginal people about things that happened there, and what it used to be like.

As well as the stories you’ll also hear atmospheric soundscapes that might include natural sounds of the landscape long ago, or the sound of a protest recorded on those streets in the 70's, or even songs about Fitzroy such as Archie Roach’s Charcoal Lane.

The project is a collaboration between the Wurundjeri Corporation, Elders Colin Hunter, Robbie Bundle and myself, Storyscape, RMIT University and the University of Melbourne.

It’s been developed over a number of years and received seed funding from the University of Melbourne and then has been funded by a Philanthropic Foundation and Creative Victoria.

Throughout 2019 YALINGUTH partnered with Charcoal Lane and MAYSAR and trained and employed young Aboriginal story gatherers to interview, record, and edit stories shared by their Elders and other community members. This involves grandchildren interviewing grandparents, nieces and nephews interviewing aunts and uncles, and young people meeting with and learning from respected Elders. The young people have so far interviewed 23 people and the project has an “open door” to anyone in the community who would like to share stories and be a part of it.

There are currently a couple of opportunities with YALINGUTH:

1) Art Prize a. The project is seeking submissions from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists for artwork/ or early concept ideas to visually represent the project. b. 1st prize is $1,800 with the potential of further art/ or design work c. 2nd prize is $500 d. 3rd prize is $300

2) Archival Researcher Role a. This is a short-term role to help find archival audio material relating to Fitzroy that could be used on the App b. So that might involve researching with orgs such as community radio, the Koorie Heritage Trust for old interviews or recordings of protests etc, and then seeking the permission for use

Submission Dates: • The submission date for both these opportunities is actually this Friday 11th September, but for the Archival Researcher Role, you just need to email a CV through to Pip Chandler at • For the Art Prize, there’s not a lot of time between now and Friday, but you don’t need to send in a finished artwork, it can just be initial concepts or a photo of an existing artwork. If you need a few more days, and want to get something in early next week, I’m sure we’ll be OK with that. Just email Zoe Dawkins to let her know it’s coming – her email • Two documents with all the details on these two opportunities will be available on the 3KND website after the show, and you can also google Facebook/ YALINGUTH

The project will also continue to engage Elders and young people in the community to tell and record stories, so stay tuned on the Facebook Page for more opportunities to get involved and for when the project launches, around April next year! Thank you!


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