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VACCHO Launch of "marra ngarrgoo, marra goorri" - Aboriginal Health, Medical and Wellbeing Research

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

The 3KnD Team attended the Launch of "marra ngarrgoo, marra goorri" The Victorian Aboriginal Health, Medical and Wellbeing Research Accord at the Melbourne Museum.

Keynote speakers and Panellists were:

Dr Jill Gallagher AO(Hon. LLD), Gunditjmara – VACCHO CEO

The Hon. Ben Carroll MP – Deputy Premier, Minister for Medical Research and Minister for Education

Professor Brendan Crabb – Director and CEO, Burnet Institute.

The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP – Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure and Minister for Ambulance Services

Professor Karen Adams, Wiradjuri – Director, Gukwonderuk Indigenous Health Unit, Monash University.

Lisa Thorpe, Gunnai & Gunditjmara- CEO Bubup Wilam Aboriginal Child and Family Centre.

Professor Brendan Crabb – Director and CEO, Burnet Institute.

Dr Megan Astle –Exec Director of Health & Medical Research, Dep. of Health

“marra ngarrgoo, marra goorri is the result of over thirty years of research and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community- driven advocacy, to achieve ethical practices in health and wellbeing research.

It reflects our communities’ aspirations for what research that impacts us, ought to look like in Victoria, so that we are comfortable and safe with that research, and, and we ensure we benefit from that research” - CEO Dr Jill Gallagher AO (HonLLD).


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