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An Amazing Day at the Whittlesea Community Farm with the students from Reservoir East Primary School

Today 3KND were able to take part in the Nugal Biik Mini Rangers from Reservoir East Primary School tree planting at curly Sledge Creek at Wollert Community Farm.

We had Sharna and Charlotte from Whittlesea Community Connections and Jack who was volunteering his time to show us how to take care of the plants and what we need to start planting.

The kids learnt the process of tree planting and how to take care of country and the waterways on Wurundjeri country. There were four different species of native plants which the kids could choose what to plant.

Although it was cold and windy that didn’t stop us from enjoying the day.

The kids loved being out on country and didn’t miss the classroom. A highlight for the kids would have to be being out in nature getting to see some kangaroo’s and having lunch under the big tree.

Thank you to Sharna, Charlotte, Jack and the teachers and students from Reservoir East Primary School.


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