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James Is Just "Too Deadly" On Midday Rush.

Radio 3KND KoolNDeadly Welcomes James Mann to our Station. James is a Yorta Yorta and Taunuraung man who grew up in the housing commission of reservoir.

Seeing the poverty in his community as a teenager living in reservoir, he developed his human rights rhetoric which he aims to one day use in our community to create change.

James is now establishing himself as a community radio host in our community and hopes to one day build himself up to host a radio show where he can advocate for change on social policy and other human rights areas where the Australian government isn't meeting the international standards.

For now, James focus is on the Midday Rush Show Mon – Fri 12 noon to 2pm daily plus the Rock it Out show every Saturday night. This will strengthen James' connection to community through Music.

James has STRONG social values so look out for the future as James brings Truth Telling and social issues into his shows.

Join James; Monday to Friday on, “The Midday Rush” 12noon to 2pm and on Saturday's from 8pm to 12pm.


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