3KND and Museums Victoria Partnership
Museum Victoria and 3KND formed a partnership for the betterment of indigenous peoples of Victoria.
3KND and Museums Victoria Partnership
NAIDOC Awards 2019
3KND Koorie Idol 2019
Assembly Candidate: Trevor Gallagher
Treaty: Incorporating the Voice and Presence of Aboriginal Youth
Yorta Yorta Elders Say "No" To Victorian Treaty
Voting and Nomination Dates Extended
Assembly Candidate: Rueben Berg
The HART Awards 2019
Reconciliation on the Rooftop
The Long Walk 2019
Melbourne Girls Grammar School Dives Into Understanding Treaty
Coalition of Peaks
Kevin Bennett and The Flood
Preventing the Cycle of Violence
Change the Record
Archibald Portrait of Country music legend Warren H Williams.
Anzac Day at the Aborigines Advancement League
ON THIS DAY: Nobel Peace Prize present to Aboriginal Elder Yami Lester
3KND March Newsletter